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Merry Christ Mass

 - Brian

Sorry this post was so delayed. I've been REAL busy, stuff.
Well, I don't know about you, but I had one heck of a holiday!
As we all know, the most important part of Christmas is the presents. Yes, that's right, the presents completely surpass the birth of Christ by a mile. No, I'm just kidding, but anyway, here's MY loot check:

XBOX. Yes, I finally got an Xbox - with one game (that I got rid of). I also rented Halo 2 and GoldenEye Rogue Agent(tm).

PlayStation 2. That's right, I received a PS2 as well and an Xbox.

Driv3r. Driv3r is a PS2 game that I have been waiting to play for a VERY long time.

Clothes. Who doesn't get clothes on Christmas?

A couple of Catholic books (including Where Is That in the Bible?); need I say more?

Well, anyway, I'm sure YOU had a great Christmas, but I had a BETTER one. So unless you got $100,000,000 in cash, I win. HA!


You may have read my previous post (Straw Man). If so, you would have noticed it made no sense. That is because I uploaded the WRONG file. Sorry, I'll get to it later.


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