Ah yes, Democrats and Republicans. Two political parties bent on doing nothing to improve this country. Both parties are overly obsessed with name-calling and pointing fingers. With this attitude, I don’t see how any of these parties could possibly be useful.
But criticizing these parties isn’t exactly what this post is about. What this entry is really about is how gullible the American people are. It appears to me that the majority of this country can’t think outside their political parties. It’s like their minds are trapped inside a box. “Well, if the
Republicans says its true, then it must be true. Ouch, my brain.”
You tools, don’t you realize that most Democrat and Republican politicians don’t honestly care about you? They’ll say anything to get your vote! For instance, Democrats use minorities such as blacks, gays, and Mexicans to get votes, while Republicans use Christians and pro-life individuals to get votes. It's all about getting votes!
Now, I’m not saying that there aren’t good, honest politicians, but c’mon now, THEY’RE POLITICIANS! Stop treating them like your friends, because they ain’t!
Haven’t any of you seen an episode of the West Wing? Yes, I know, it’s pretty liberal, but it does show the inner workings of politics. The politicians aren’t concerned with the well-being of the American people, they just want votes!!!

Another thing that bugs me is how limited the opinions of the American people are. So many people's opinions are party line, it's sickening -- and I blame some of it on talk shows like the one's on K.V.I. Zombies like Rush Limbaugh and the liberal toolsheds on Air America simply repeat party opinions. That's mainly why I listen to Mike Medved and The Savage Nation. They aren't afraid to criticize the Republicans and Bush when criticism is necessary, and they're not afraid to praise the Democraps when praise is due. Now if only the American people thought this way a bit more...

Anyway, that's my 10 cents. So remember, don't let your views be limited by political parties. Trust me, I'm smarter than you. *farts viciously *

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Note: Sorry 'bout grammar n' stuff. I'm feelin' a bit lazy right now...