Can you prove there is a God?

I'm so sick and tired of hearing godless....people.... rant and rave about how creationism shouldn't be taught in schools--at all.
Okay, so it's all right for schools to teach kids that we evolved from apes, mud, bananas, or whatever they think, but it's NOT okay for schools to bring up the possibility of creation? Not Christianity, but creationism.
I guess what I'm trying to ask is, why can't we teach creationism? Some people think that creationism has absolutely no credibility what so ever, but that's not the case. Creationism is more rational than saying, "Somehow, the universe was created by chance, but don't ask me anything else, cuz then you'd be winning the argument."

Okay, later in this article, I am going to list 4 good reasons why there has to be a god. But first, I would like to tell a little story that I read recently. Savvy?

Back when the first moon rocket took off in the '60, three scientists, one Christian, one atheist, were walking down a street. The believer said to the atheist, "Wow. Isn't it wonderful that our rocket is going to hit the moon by chance?" The atheist look a bit startled and replied with, "What do you mean by chance? We put billions of dollars and hours into that rocket!" Then, the believer said, "Well, if you don't explain our rocket by chance, why do you explain the universe by chance? After all, the universe is much more complex than a rocket. We can design a rocket, but the universe can't be designed?"
The atheist shrugged and glanced at an antique store. Now, the atheist, being an art collector, saw a beautiful piece of art in the window, and said, "Who painted that?" "Nobody," said the believer, "it just happened by chance."

Even the thought of the whole universe coming into being by chance is absurd. A very confused person who was way too absorbed in denial generated that thought. Unfortunately, many more people bought into that foolishness.
Well, anyway, I am going to list a bunch of reasonable arguments for why I think God exists.

Okay, I'm using the arguments of a medieval philosopher named St. Thomas Aquinas (This guy was a genius).

The Argument of Motion:

The first one is called the argument from motion. If you see some dominoes in a long row falling down, you know someone or something pushed them, right? Why? How do you know that? Why couldn't they just move themselves? The answer is because nothing moves itself. And neither does the whole universe. Think of the universe as an enormous chain of dominoes, all moving. Something outside the chain must have started the movement in the beginning, right? Otherwise it couldn't move, because nothing can move itself.
Take your body for instance. Your body doesn't move itself, your mind moves it. Ever see a corpse move itself? A corpse is just a body without a mind or soul.
The universe is always moving, changing---everything in it is in one great process of change. Therefore there must be a mover.

This argument only proves that there's some supernatural cause (something outside of the universe) behind the change in the universe.

The Argument From Existence:

If there's no God who eternally exists, how can existence begin? If there is no God who has existence by his own nature and doesn't get it from any cause, how can the gift of existence be passed down the chain of creatures, who can borrow it form each other? For instance, if nobody has a certain football, how can others borrow it? If nobody has the authority to give a soldier a weekend pass, how can he ever get it? You can't give what you don't have. So somebody must have existence and not just borrow it.
You may be asking, "If God made everything, who made God? Why doesn't God need a cause?" Well, because he's first. If nobody's first, nobody is second, or third, and so on and so on. But things in the universe are second, and third, and fourth, and eighty-millionth. Therefore there is a first.

The Argument From Death:

Alright, everything dies, or ceases to exist. Now if there were no God who never died, then eventually everything would die and nothing could begin again. And then there would be nothing at all. But that's absurd. There is something.
"Well, maybe the universe always was. Ever think of that?" If the universe had no birthday, then there's been an infinity of time already, enough time for everything that could possibly happen to happen, including the possibility of universal death. If the universe never had a birthday, how come we're still here? Besides, the universe is only 15 billion years old according to scientists. If the universe always was, how could it be 15 billion years old?

The Argument From Design:

Think about it. Design proves a designer, right? Well, nature is full of design. Therefore there must be a designer.
Here's an example: You take a rocket ship up to the moon. Once you arrive, you discover that there are massive, complex, functional structures hidden in craters. Where did the structures come from? They just didn't "evolve" from nothing. They had to have been built and put there by someone.

By using reason and rationality, you will immediately exclude the possibility of "chance." I hope some of these arguments opened your mind to the possibility of a Creator. If not, you're a hopeless jackball. Have a nice day.
HOME, you hopeless jackball